
Make Art that Sells-Assignment #1 Bolt Fabric

Hi! So it's the second week of Lilla's Make Art That Sells class. We have a new assignment this week and I'm so stoked to go home and doodle my little heart out. But I wanted to share my finished piece with you for the first assignment last week. It was Bolt Fabric. YAY! I LOVE fabric. I HOARD fabric. Anyway, Lilla gave us a mini assignment to warm up on Monday.We were to doodle vintage pyrex dishes and mushrooms. Count me in..so fun. So natural. Then wednesday the official assignment was to do a bolt fabric pattern in the tone of vintage kitchen using some of our sketches and whatever else we wanted to add. very open. very fun. Here are my b & w sketches and then the finished piece down below. People, if you are at all intrigued by this class but you feel intimidated so you didn't sign up then you ARE the perfect candidate. The info Lilla shares is "invaluable" as a classmate of mine put it. Thanks Meems.  She is a great great teacher.  Her support is amazing. Lilla is nurturing but firm. That lovely balance is so rare. She might be the Mary Poppins of the art world. Coming from me that's a compliment. I love me some MP. ALSO, the new friends you meet....the support, the community...it's good stuff and it feeds your creative soul. There is another round in October. You should check it out!!!! This class is the real deal folks.


Amna Mehwish Art and Illustrations said...

Hey Sarah
What a beautiful blog you have here, and I am loving the name :)
Love love love your work. Do you mind sharing the work process with newbies like myself?
Thanks for sharing.

Terry Runyan said...

Love it! :)

S▲R▲H + C O L I N W▲L S H said...

Thanks Terry! To Amna, Thank you for your kind words!
As far as work process that's a broad topic. Could be more specific as to what work process means to oyu? Thanks!

Suzanne said...

Hi Sarah~ I just found your blog from a post on FB (I just "liked" Lilla Rogers' page and saw your comment re: "Make Art that Sells" course.)

Very cute doodles! Love the oven mitt and pineapple!
My question is regarding your process too: Does this course involve using photoshop or other editing software? I'm a VERY new beginner to that, and am teaching myself...which is a slow process! :)

I'm just curious...would love to take the course when it is offered again, but not sure if I'm ready.


S▲R▲H + C O L I N W▲L S H said...

The course is for digital and NON digital artists. Lilla addresses those who are not photoshop savvy, mentioning that they will not be at a disadvantage. She stresses that great art is great art, no matter how it was made. As long as you can scan your work in and upload it for the assignments you should be fine. Good luck!

Jeannie Hunt said...

Another process question... For these drawings, did you use pen/marker, then scan, then use photoshop to translate into color and add background colors? Which software to make repeating patterns?

thanks, great blog!

S▲R▲H + C O L I N W▲L S H said...

Hi Jeannie, that's exactly what I did as far as process.
I didn't use a program for the repeat.