
Midnight Shenanigans

I can't take credit for the name. I think my fiance nailed it. This dude isn't spinning any evil on his dark stormy unicorn, but he is alas....up to some mischief. I did this piece for our art show DRAW WHAT YOU DIG back in September. Why does that seem so freakin' long ago??!!!! November? What???!!!


Brad said...

this is as bad ass as art with a unicorn can get! and your fiance totally nailed the name!

S▲R▲H + C O L I N W▲L S H said...

Thanks Brad!Unicorns have many facets....;)

S▲R▲H + C O L I N W▲L S H said...
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Lisa Graves said...

I love that you've put "The Butcher" on a unicorn. (did you see Gangs of NY?) lol. This is a fab illo and what's this about a "draw what you dig" show? hmm. Right now I have an obsession with deranged and deceased female royalty. Wow, that sounds weird.

maura said...

oooh - i love this one! nice one, Sarah!